Preston Photography Parade #lancsphotofest

PPP: Preston Photography Parade

I’m planning the Preston Photography Parade, which takes place on the afternoon of Saturday, August 19.

Anyone can take part.

The parade will see people carrying images they have taken – or their favourite family photographs – on protest-style banners (think posters on a wooden stick, just like in a real protest!).

This will be the world’s first photography parade and I want the people of Preston and the surrounding areas to join in, enjoy it and be proud of the city. Most people will engage with this parade by watching it. I’m expecting around 10 people to feature in the parade – but more are welcome.

Some photographers who took part in 48hrs in Preston will be parading an image they took during those two days – but anyone can bring along their own photograph and take part in the parade.

There will be a limited numbers pre-made banners available on the morning of the parade for people, where people can come along with their printed images and stick them on to the banners.

We are suggesting a print size of A3 for this.

You can just come along and join the parade with or without an image. The parade will start of in Avenham and Miller Park and take in the locations of Lancashire Photography Festival before finishing in the city centre. It will include a stop off at the Flag Market during the epic PWC wrestling event.

In the event of bad weather the parade might be shortened or postponed.

If you want to take part with your own image bigger – get in touch now and we will print and mount your images. There is a deadline to do this of Friday, August 04, 2023 – to give me time to get the images printed and mounted. Email to gazcook[@]googlemail[dot]com with the subject line: PPP

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